Wednesday, June 24, 2020

What if we are wrong?

What if you are wrong …?

about Accepting the Status Quo?

Is it possible to know what is right?


Are we being brainwashed, and wooed into socialism? Is the silent majority the greatest accelerant for all the hype? What if we are wrong?

Why should we (Americans) be shocked, alarmed, and apprehensive because a relatively small group of rebellious rioters have taken over a six-block district in Seattle? A downtown district now known as the “Capitol Hill Organized Protest”, Or the news obscured by coverage of their disruptive behavior and killings night after night?

We have had an exaggerated example (set by four of the legislative gang of eight) over a period of many years with stalled legislation; a prophecy of impeachment and a guilty judgment even before the election; and then impeachment without a trial. How can anybody believe that two representatives from California, one representative from New York, and one Senator from New York, have the faintest clue as to the desire of America’s heartland, or have any inclination to pay attention to what the people think or care about?

Now, we see the squad overruling the gang of eight, and tipping the scale to promote takeover by violence, under the umbrella of the first amendment rights. How long will it take to do away with the Bill of Rights? Who can believe that any of this dysfunction is in accord with Lincoln’s …“We the People …”. What if we let it happen, and we’re wrong?

We hear contributors on every broadcast station in America declare that they know exactly what is going on, and what should be done about it. They say they know, … but it’s all BLOW, and no GO!

No one is willing to do anything. The president opens his mouth in defense of the American way, and America’s rights, and he is a racist, a narcissist, and a hate-monger. So, “We the People …” cower in silence, because we might attract attention, and get ridiculed and drawn into the mud.

Think about it, we have lost our prayer in the schools, when the schools are permitted to convene. Isn’t that a sign of the times? We lost prayer nearly 50 years ago, now we’ve lost our schools. Then we lost the 10 commandments in all our federal and state buildings, and now a few years later, we are losing our buildings to rioters, and looters, through fires and bombings and bricks.

Now we are losing the statues of historic figures, next we’ll lose our history. 

Because of the subliminal message since the 1950s, we have lost our ability to do math, to write, or even think and express ourselves in a rational manner. The only means of negotiation is with an assault rifle. A peaceful demonstration is running people down on the sidewalk with a truck. Yet we sit back and say how sad, but once again, all blow, and no go. What if we are wrong in letting this happen?

I remember when the Senator from my state voted on the disposition of the Panama Canal, declaring that he did not consult his constituency because they had no way of knowing the issues. That is exactly the attitude conveyed by our current misguided leadership. Are we going to just sit by and let them continue their pursuit of greed and power? What if we are wrong?

Why should we be upset with Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand for the pledge of allegiance, or the national anthem, when these leaders show no respect for the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT? Let alone their declared HATRED for the occupant of that office, the profane language they use to rail against the man, yet they run to any camera available to them and profess to be Christian. Are we wrong in letting that continue?

How can anyone believe that there can be any effective bipartisan cooperation when the Speaker of the House intentionally tears up her copy of the President’s State of the Union Speech, for all the world to see? Yet, how can anyone believe that the Speaker of the House is in charge, when the press gives coverage of the squad, on a ratio of at least 4:1 the squad/the Speaker. Are we wrong to remain silent and not flooding our own representatives and let them know what we intend to do if they don’t do what they were elected to do?

Why should be surprised at anything that is going won in Seattle, or Minneapolis, or Atlanta, or Chicago, or New York? Why should we be shocked that rioters, looters, and vandals have run rampant for weeks (all in the name of “peaceful petition” … first amendment right). Unfortunately, no press report has used the first amendment word petition, every broad cast, and every news anchor has used the words peaceful protest. 

Beyond those words, what is peaceful about tons of bricks thrown through windows, businesses burned, razor wire wrapped around Macy’s to protect real estate. All in the name of defunding police. Didn’t political bias call for disbanding ICE, and that on the precept that these peaceful protesters are capable of self-policing. That is why we had three deaths in the Seattle CHOP zone over Father’s Day weekend 2020. And two 3-year old’s and 7 teenagers shot over the same Father’s Day weekend. ARE WE WRONG TO BE ENRAGED? Worse yet would we be wrong to continue to remain silent any longer?

The first amendment gives any citizen the right to engage in peaceful petition, but the first amendment does not give anyone the right to do wrong, or to protest without full knowledge of the purpose, with no prior attempt to arbitrate with the officials that have the responsibility for action. Are wrong to not speak out against mob rule?

When the amendment says, “Congress shall make no law …”, the implication is that Congressional Legislation is binding on all, the President, the Supreme Court, and the citizenship. Congressional Legislation has been wrongfully overridden by the House, and supported by the Senate Minority, and corrective action has been stalled or tabled while legislators have taken vacation after vacation. Are we wrong to be incensed by this arrogant display of indifference to responsibility and accountability?

Now, during the quarantine decree, legislative recommendations and rulings are attempting to close churches and needed medical services. But it is okay for bars and strip joints to operate without restriction. Is the church going to have to rent a bar to be capable of meeting for worship? Are we wrong to ask these questions?

Better yet, would it be possible for a church to obtain a license to operate as a bar? Maybe that could be legitimized by using wine for communion, rather than grape juice. Are we wrong to think this way?

What is the issue?

The issue has to do with the concept of JUSTICE. The next PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION will be influenced dramatically by the prolific partisan claims of the absence of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW. 

I am writing, and classifying all this offensive rhetoric as a fiasco. There will never by JUSTICE in a system that operated on the basis of human government, and skewed by political bias, and a totally politicized press. 

The silent majority in the quietest communities across this land, are threatened for a comment on social media, because no one has a principle. Nearly every single person in America has been influenced by ideals. Let one post get 100,000 likes, and it becomes a program, and if it goes viral, it can even become a protest. Are we wrong to accept this as the new norm?

America is the most litigious country in the world, and the incarcerated population in America has proven that there is absolutely no hope of REFORMATION without TRANSFORMATION. On the news today, we are being informed that no one seems to be willing to stand up against violence, because of a threat of their job, or even their life. We witness that throughout corrections, and the military. Are we wrong to remain silent?

The national claim that we Americans today, need to make up for all the inequities of the past 400 years with regard to injustices. How does anyone truthfully know what the circumstances were, none of us were there. Are we wrong to let the few disgruntled dissenters stir up uninformed citizens and perpetrate mob violence in the name of peaceful protest? Are we wrong to permit the press to continue to call protest a first amendment right? The word protest is not in the first amendment.

Why should anyone base a reaction on what they learn from the media? Any media? Good news has never been marketable. Worse than the bad news that is shared 24/7 on virtually every broadcast station in America, the unfounded, undocumented posts on social media are doing more to undermine morality in our culture today. 

But, following the example set by our governmental leaders, we can post filth and smut all week, but we tune in now on Sunday mornings and make favorable comments when we hear a phrase that we can tolerate; call ourselves Christian, and feel good about starting over after church. In light of the final judgment, what if we are wrong?

I am not talking about the 90% that are offended by all this dysfunction, they are sitting back, hoping for different outcomes. I am talking about the 10% that are the protesters, but worse than that, the 10% of the protesting population that are the radicalized, and part of a national organization intent on a total disruption of our democratic republic form of government. Those that are advocating total socialism in spite of the many national failures around this world.

Think about this rationale, a shop owner comes out with a chain saw and tells a protesting mob that he intends to protect his own, and hears the mob crying out to defund the police. The first thing done by one or the rioters, when he started the saw, was a call to 911 for police protection. How do these goals and behaviors correlate?

Everyone claims they have a right to their personal opinion. But no one has a right to personal fact. Everyone that is protesting and taking matters in their own hands, and removing and destroying historic monuments, is destroying America’s history. Over and over, we have seen evidence, that any entity that ignores and destroys history, has no point of reference by which to plan and administer their future. Are we wrong to sit by, remain silent, and ignore such?

How can we claim that we live by the rule of law when the only attempts to negotiate occur with one of the parties is holding an AR-15 assault rifle? That is not negotiation, that is intimidation.

With no true news, one has to wonder if China intentionally directed travel from the Rawan Province to every part of the world, but China. Travel to other parts of China was prohibited. Was that a newly conceived communistic means of deploying germ warfare on the world, as an aggressive initiative by China to intensify their conquest for worldwide socio-economic dominance?

Are we wrong to question their integrity?

Speaking of socio-economic inequities, why should America send many millions in aid to defend Germany, to have Germany send many millions to Russia to buy oil, when Russia is waging war on Germany? Why should America send many, many, millions to the World Health Organization only to have that organization conceal what they knew was happening in China? 

The world sees America as a Santa Clause, but they are not content on one gift a year at Christmas. The fact that many countries are failing to self-manage, and find themselves in life threatening despair, does not mean that it has to become a philanthropic crisis for America.

There can never be justification for giving Iran a half a billion dollars, only to have that money finance militarily waged aggression against America from every corner of the world. 

In light of this, our stagnant leadership that condoned that act, are now perpetuating that affront through legislative inactivity, spending their time trying to prove human failure in others, rather than dealing with the issues that voters sent them to Washington to deal with, ignoring the fact it takes one to know one. Are we wrong not to voice our concern over this blatant display of ideological pursuit?

Hearing the political advocacy for unlimited giveaways to undocumented immigrants while natural born and naturalized citizens are denied medicines, and food, while living homelessly in shelters, or on the streets should invoke anger on the part of every true believer. Does anyone find it difficult to believe that a lot of these handouts are funding these nationally organized riots, providing the bricks, the weapons, and bus travel for the organizers to the next target. Are we wrong to think this way? 


In Talladega, AL today, rain delay prompted the broadcast station to run a special Earnhardt versus Gordon special, and one of the first statements was that any competition turns competitors into enemies. 

It appears that everyone in Washington DC today, has forgotten why they were sent to Washington, and personally adopted the ideology of one party or another, that the purpose of their total existence was to win the next competition (election). 

As such, they truly become the enemy of any potential winner, and they consciously abandon their electorate, and the objectives of government, to promote an insurrection and an attempted coup. 

They justify such by sharing, “if I do not win the next election, I will not be able to perpetuate what I have started”. The truth is that the only thing they have started is a campaign to perpetuate their personal fame and fortune. Check the records and see what each candidates net worth was when they first entered office, and what it is now. Are we wrong to permit that to be abuse of office continue election after election?

We hear so much about President Trump’s boasting. But no one ever boasted more about career accomplishments than Dale Earnhardt. How is it that one winner is idolized, and another is the brunt of every criticism possible?

There is a simple answer, AMERICA HAS BEEN LED ASTRAY, WE HAVE ABANDONED EVERY SEMBLANCE OF MORAL STANDARDS. There is now no such thing as, “We the people …”; there are merely 535 elected officials in government. One hundred in the Senate, and four-hundred and thirty-five in the House of Representatives. Under the leadership of a handful of career politicians (many serving an accumulated tenure of more than 20 terms) this body of 535 voted term-limits (2 terms of office) for everyone but themselves. Are we wrong to have let this go this long?  

Another statement from Talladega, there has never been a fan base in the world that hated a person like Dale Earnhardt’s fanbase hated Jeff Gordon. Folks, that was kindergarten compared to those that hate Trump. 

I am not sharing from personal opinion. I am sharing the prognostications of the media, virtually every major network and all the cable stations. The political bias distorts every aspect of every story. All are guilty, the real disparity is the ratio of the left to that of the right: a ratio of about five to one.

If you disagree with me on any point, blame the media, I am reciting what they said. What I will tell you, as long as we run on the basis of human opinion, and human government, we will always spend 10% business, and 90% fight.

The PROBLEM is that seemingly everyone is listening to station W.I.I.F.M. (What it’s in it for me?) instead of the station that played in Philadelphia when the Constitution was drafted, the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth)

The reason there was consensus on the Constitution, was the framers accepted the fact that the BIBLE, Romans 3:23 declared, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”. Romans 3:10-12, as it is written, “None is righteous, no, not one; none that understands; no one seeks God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one”. 

Unlike everything else that has been shared, these are not the words of reporters, these are the words of the Creator, and they apply to his creation. There is no question as to the authenticity. You have a right to disagree, or reject this declaration, … but … what if you are wrong?

In the Bible, the Book of Romans, Paul is explaining the means of Salvation, and the method of sharing the good news. This is a principle that is foundational to the sharing of any concept with any people anywhere. This is from Romans 10: verses 14 and 15.

14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

15And how shall they preach; except they be sent? 

By way of this message, the concern is being sent. I recognize I am but one voice, but if you agree with enough of what has been said, share it, then there will be two voices. A few more hear, there can be four or six voice. Who knows, if there are enough likes, we may be able to effect change for the good.



I know you are probably asking yourself, how can any one being be so negative, and mad at the world? Dust of your Bible, and overview the writings of the 17 Prophets of the Old Testament. 

Then join us for upcoming posts, that offer grassroots initiatives for reform.